What Kind of Food (You) Tube Videos Do You Want To See?

14 Nov

Just as this blog is a food writing practice for me, I’d like to start You Tube video journaling some of my food thoughts and experiences. 

There is a foodie or chef in all of us.  We all have eating memories that are good (and some not so good).  We are creating new memories each day.  Some of us are being creative with food.  Some of us appreciate good food and are ready to learn more.  Some wake up thinking about food.  Or maybe you just need a recommendation. 

As a partner in a small catering company, I get asked questions almost daily regarding food in the town of Indianapolis.  When I’m shopping for supplies and ingredients, sometimes I look around me and wish everyone I knew was with me.  I went to Guanajuato the other day on the west side of Indy and it was a multi-sensory event!  It made me want to go to every hispanic grocery in town for comparison. 

I know many of you will never be in Indianapolis or your local hispanic grocery, but wouldn’t you like to see inside of one? 

This visual inspires me to make You Tube videos.  Videos that are not as formal as working for a television station or get paid, but just fun, quick tours in the city…all having to do with food!

Chicharron is a Seasoned and Deep Fried Pork Rind

At a grocery store called “Guanajuato”, named after a state in Mexico.  This store has grocery, produce, a meat counter that is like no other in the city and a restaurant and a bar.  Maybe I could open an American grocery store in Mexico called “Indiana”.  Just doesn’t have that same romantic name quality. 

I love things like these fried pork rinds that make the world feel so close.  We are all more alike than we are different.  For instance, if you eat meat, you have had fried chicken or bacon before.  You’ve had those little bits of rendered pork or chicken fat that get seasoned and baked or fried down until it’s just a bite of crispy goodness.  That’s exactly what this chicharron snack is! 

So besides a video tour of the grocery Guanajuato, what else do you want to see?  A restaurant?  A supply store?  A grocery?  What cooking videos would you like to see?  I can’t wait to hear from you!

6 Responses to “What Kind of Food (You) Tube Videos Do You Want To See?”

  1. allkindsofgoodies November 14, 2010 at 10:13 am #

    Ohhhhhh, I have so many comments here – but I will limit it to this – I would LOVE to see the Mexican grocery – I would also like to see the Indian/middle eastern store. The one I”m thinking of is close to the Mexican store (I think). It’s north of Georgetown Market by India Palace restaurant. (my naturopath shops here….and I’m intrigued – yet intimidated).

    • Carrie November 14, 2010 at 7:05 pm #

      Hi Heather, this sounds like a fun time. I’ve been to the Indian grocery for dried spices. I’ve got a flip camera I plan on using. I’ll have to work on my editing skills. Thanks for commenting!

      • allkindsofgoodies November 15, 2010 at 8:40 am #

        I’m no video production genius – but if you need a camera girl, I’d love to help!

      • Carrie November 15, 2010 at 8:46 am #

        I will take you up on it! That would be a blast.

  2. Carisa November 15, 2010 at 10:20 am #

    In-the-kitchen-clips, please!! I’m just waiting for you to be the Next Food Network Star, and this is good practice.

    • Carrie November 15, 2010 at 10:43 am #

      You got it, Carisa! You’ll see me in the kitchen for sure. 🙂

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