Sweet Potato Soup – Allrecipes.com Recipe Test & NUTMEG

13 Nov

Can we talk about my favorite Fall spice?  NUTMEG!!!  This wonderful seed of a tree is so fragrant. 

Using the pre-ground kind is a little like spitting in your food.  Ok, too dramatic.  But my point is that it’s almost a crime to use the bottled kind if you can grate your own!

Go ahead and use it if it gets you in the kitchen to make this healthy soup recipe, but then make it again with the freshly grated stuff and compare sometime.

Smelling fresh nutmeg is so invigorating to me.  It actually makes my gums itch a little.  While it doesn’t smell like lime, it has that same effect and essence to me.  Fresh lime, fake lime, Pine Sol, Nutmeg…I love all those scents and I feel so alive when I smell them!

I’ll post a hot drink mix called “Hot Buttered Rum” in a couple of weeks that features this star ingredient, so you better go get your Microplane grater/zester and your whole Nutmeg before then.

I guess I’m never going to post a recipe test that ends in “bad test results”.  I just want to make clear that I didn’t create the recipe, but merely looked one up and tried it.  I like to report the results to you.

I did my own search on Allrecipes.com after my post on how to navigate the website.  I entered “turnips”.  Sorted on highest rated.  Skipped through the low numbered 5 stars and really reviewed the top 4.5 starred recipes that had several ratings. 

Sweet Potato, Turnip, White Potato, Chicken Base, Salt, Pepper, Cream, Brown Sugar, Butter & Nutmeg

This soup really looks similar to my Butternut Squash & Sweet Potato Soup, but the taste is very different.  Less creamy, but more potato-y and earth-y. 

I really liked it. 

The star ingredient for sure were the turnips and the freshly grated nutmeg.  In the midwest you can get whole nutmeg from Penzey Spice shop or your local spice shop.

Go here for Allrecipes.com’s Sweet Potato Soup Recipe

Topped with a few thin sliced jalapenos soaked in a little quick pickle brine of vinegar, sugar, salt and water

Cook’s Notes:
– This is another peel, chop, dump and cook recipe.  I like these!  Why can’t this be our new fast food?
– The flavorants are added after the soup is pureed, which is nice. 
– I followed the instructions almost exactly, I think I added another 2 cups of stock/broth because of the size of my sweet potatoes

I hope you make this.  Does it remind you more of potato soup?  Do you love the earthiness of the turnips?  Let me know your thoughts, variations, add-ins, all of it!!

Big shout out to Heather who continues to link to my blog.  You are an awesome blogging accountability partner and I’m really enjoying getting to know you more!  Here is her site.  It’s got All Kinds of Goodies!!  By the way, I have a popcorn post coming up and will link back to you then too.

3 Responses to “Sweet Potato Soup – Allrecipes.com Recipe Test & NUTMEG”

  1. ramblinjaq November 15, 2010 at 2:44 pm #

    made the soup last night and am not as crazy about it as i am your butternut squash. maybe because i only have pre-ground nutmeg, but the spices are where the problem lie for me. for me, the nutmeg almost makes the soup too fragrant [i say that with a question mark]. also, one thing i love about the butternut squash soup is the combination of curry, cayenne and honey really provides a complexity of flavor. i feel like this soup needs a little more depth, if that makes any sense.

    although it’s not my favorite so far, i’ll still follow you anywhere!

    • Carrie November 15, 2010 at 3:14 pm #

      Yeah, the BN Soup is really hard to beat! This soup might have been kicked up with w/some caramelized bacon, what do you think? You are sweet! I’ve got a bunch of recipes coming up soon. Just gotta find time around parenting!

      • jaq November 15, 2010 at 4:58 pm #

        i’m a firm believer that bacon improves everything!

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