Tag Archives: kale

BSBC Crispy Kale, #2 Fave Snack

9 Nov

A few days ago, I posted my #1 Fave Snack, Roasted Pumpkin Seeds!  Lots of you tried this and I appreciate everyone’s comments.  The only thing I would change for next year is posting just a few days earlier.  Also, commenter Jaq suggested using butter.  Yum!

This Crispy Kale snack recipe was introduced to me a couple of years ago from friend, Tara.  It was originally on Allrecipes with vinegar or lemon, which I don’t use.  I have made this dozens of times and have perfected the method and timing.  Enjoy!

Three ingredients: Kale, Oil and Salt

 BSBC Crispy Kale Recipe:

1 Bunch of Kale (just the curly green kale is best)
3-4 T of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 t – 1/2 t of Kosher Salt

Rinse and shake off excess water from the kale.  tear away pieces from the stem.  Discard stems or save for veggie juice in your juicer.  Place kale pieces and drizzle oil and sprinkle salt right on the baking sheet.  Get both hands in there and massage the oil in.  It’s the only way to get each piece coated. 

Bake at 225-250 degree oven for 20 minutes and keep checking every few minutes after.  You can test doneness by just giving the tray a little shake and the pieces will shake around and remove from the sheet.  If the temp is low enough and it is baking, these pieces will get completely dry without burning. 

Eat right away or let cool and store in airtight container for a day or two.  If it needs re-crisped you can do so in the oven for a few minutes.

Cook’s Notes:
– Removing as much moisture as possible will allow for quicker and more even baking
– Because of the low amount of moisture, it’s easy to over salt.  I included two amounts here because sometimes those kale bunches are huge
– I’ve tried Lacinto, Red and some other kind of kale and just the standard curly green works best. 
– It’s really not tasty when it’s burnt, so maybe try it again.  You’ll get it down.
– Application: a snack, soup topping, dips or spread topping–oh, what about on top of the Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato Soup!

Try it.  Good luck and report back! 
