Tag Archives: google reader

Finding Time to Read Blogs

31 Oct

Every morning, I pour the coffee and sit at a bar stool in my kitchen with a laptop.

The intention is to quickly get caught up on email.  Takes maybe 5 minutes to feel informed.  These are people who have written me directly, so I feel like it deserves first attention.

Next I spend 10-15 minutes max catching up on anyone or business in my google reader that has a NEW blog post.   I do this maybe 2-3 times per day.  In my reader?  Folders: family & friends, writing inspiration, food, local sites.  I like the format that has folders on the left and the blog post on the right like below.

Google reader is a one-page look at blogs that you have “subscribed to” and in bold are the blogs that have a new post. 

I used to email subscribe to blogs.  That means every new post would send me an email.  But if you subscribe to 20 blogs and some are industry blogs that put out 7 posts overnight…that’s a LOT of email.  Thanks to My Geek, now I’m a bit of an email ninja

1:  Read this brief article to see if Reader is right for you 
2:  Get free Gmail account
3:  Start adding subscriptions, especially bitesizedbycarrie.wordpress.com/feed
4:  Enjoy the freedom of taking a quick daily look at your favorite blogs, especially bitesizedbycarrie.wordpress.com/feed

That’s it on advice on catching up on reading blogs.  As for writing posts for blogs?  Get ready for your new unpaid part-time job, it can take hours!

This article is inspired by my friend, Toni, who makes and sells beautiful artwork and interested in starting her blog up again.  Good luck Toni and I think there are many of us who would LOVE to hear more about art show details.  It’s an entire culture and life of its own.