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I’m still here…making vids, buying a home & thinking about food

30 Jan

I really am still here.  Unlike the American movie (sharing the same title) written by Joaquin Phoenix & Casey Affleck , I won’t scar your memory with crazy fake-umentary images.

Occasionally I check in on the search words that bring new visits to my blog and one thing is for certain…some of you are in LOVE with Oprah!

So, in the coming weeks, I’ll post a “Now that you have tickets to a show….” what to expect kind of post.  Who knows?  It could help you visualize yourself in line WITH tickets, getting one step closer to having tickets!

For the rest of you…Here’s how I’ve been passing my time…


I’ve been making weekly food videos to post on YouTube and in a few weeks will start posting those RIGHT HERE on this blog.  You’ll get to see “bite-sized” versions of me…my daugthers cooking, friends cooking/baking and a lot of laughing!

Amy Making Swiss Meringue Buttercream For The First Time

This one should be up in February sometime.  Video editing is a whole other beast in itself!


On the left is My Geek, Middle is our Title Co rep and on the right is the nice couple that sold us our house.  In my Starbucks cup is a Tall Skinny Vanilla Latte, just for those of you who care…

Rare photo of My Geek


and lastly….


My Botox Alternative---Just Cut the Wrinkled forehead OFF the photo!


It’s just brilliant, isn’t it?!  😀

Back to food…

If you have a specific recipe you’d like to see me make, gadget review or a tour of a local store or restaurant or anything else you can think of food related, drop me a comment and we’ll work it in the schedule!