Happy Halloween w/Wicked Witch Cupcakes

29 Oct

Back in August, my 3-yr old asked if I could make these.  (Wicked Witch Cupcake picture from Martha Stewart’s Cupcake book)  I thought I should at least wait until it was close to Halloween.

Last weekend we decided it was time.  We used Ina’s Chocolate Cake recipe  and Martha’s Swiss Meringue Buttercream.  I made them to take to a friend’s house (Aimee & Brad’s Fall Party).  As I put them in the tote, I couldn’t help but notice there was one detail missing. 

“Let’s put a lonely traveler in the center of this tote,” I thought.  Here’s how my simple cupcake scene turned dark.

Lonely Traveler: "Oh no." Witches (all together): "Oh Yes!"

Before this baking project took a turn for the dark, here were my volunteer pastry cooks helping.

3-yr old Concentrating Seriously


6-yr old Painting Chocolate


 As you head out this weekend, see if you ever feel like this lady in the middle.  😀

Share your Halloween cooking / baking plans!  I’d love to read your comments.

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